Samstag, 21. Dezember 2013

Christmas 2013

And so this is Christmas:

Hours or days with the friend, with my sons,
Snatched from time as it flees by.
Moments powdered with stardust,
Born to be memories.
Christmas trees under a Southern sky.

Gifts given on train stations,
Or over a cup of tea
Or via the internet:
No Santa around this year.

And at the end of the journey,
An old man asleep in his wheelchair:
My father, and he knows not
What he waits for.

Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2013

Dream Lover

There was music,
And party,
And fireworks.

And as the time came to leave,
There were you,
And held me close and warm.

Rain spattered the windows,
My tears wet your cheek.

And who you are, I know not. 

Sonntag, 22. September 2013

September day in Paris

In the museum, 
I got spooked 
by a Chinese bogeyman.

White clouds are building 
new skylines 
behind the eternal 
stone monuments.

A ragged seagull and I 
waiting by the river 
for the next rain. 

The breeze brings us greetings 
and salt from the sea. 

In the company of strangers 
I hear 
the languages of the world.

A Russian man 
an Eiffel tower
and three Korean youths
are lighting cigarettes,
with rain beating down on the Louvre.

And ravens are pillaging 
rubbish bins in the park. 

Samstag, 17. August 2013

soap bubble days

Soap bubble days
Drifting dreamily through days
Of old – new friendship
Wandering forests of elves
mossy boulders and birches

the silence so dense
blanket of peace in the nights
past and future dreams

Freitag, 12. Juli 2013


The night winds are chilly,
Clean sheets on my bed.
I lie alone.
My arms are tired
Of hugging teddy bear.
My fingertips
Are tired
Of touching metal, plastic,
Glass and wood.
My fingertips
Are yearning
To touch warm skin
And tangled hair
And flesh pulsating
Deep and deeper…
My lips…?
Don’t ask!
This yearning, lady,
Is part of life,

Montag, 29. April 2013


Stars are twinkling in the sky
And my love -
Where are you?

They are dancing at the fair
And my love -
Where are you?

White wine sparkling in the cups
And my love-
Where are you?

Red shoes have I on my feet
And my love -
Where are you?

Roses blooming in the night
And my love-
Where are you?

Sweethearts walking hand in hand
And my love-
Where are you?

Clean sheets waiting on my bed
And my love -
Where are you?

Lady, I’m the unicorn,
my dancing days are yet to come.
Lady, I’m the unicorn
And when I’m free,
I’ll come to thee. 

Donnerstag, 11. April 2013

Firenze da sola

Firenze da sola 

Madonnas in blue coats 
and golden haloes
And smiling Jesus babies,
cannot redeem 
A single moment
Of pain and terror.
beauty is here,
cruelty and fear,
Fire and blood.

I've seen the first poppy
But in the garden
Lovers kiss
Blackbirds sing
No unicorn waiting for me.

Samstag, 9. März 2013


Man geht doch nicht einfach
Wie Hänschen klein
In die weite Welt hinein!

Man reißt sich los
Und entzwei,
wieder und wieder.

Von Apfelbäumen,
mit einer letzten Hoffnung.

Von Rosenstöcken,
an einen Verlorenen.

Von der Hausbank
In der Morgensonne.
Und von der Katze.

Man reitet ja nicht
Wie Lucky Luke
In den Sonnenuntergang!

Man lässt seine Liebe
Im Staub
Unter dem Bett.

Man sucht sich
Im Chaos des Untergangs
Ein Restchen Bewusstsein,

und humpelt davon
auf Krücken der Freundschaft.

Und nachts dann, allein
Und schlaflos, erfährt man
Den Schmerz des anderen.